Sew My Gosh!

Sew My Gosh!
Aprons, aprons and more aprons, oh my!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Gun & hunting show

So here we sit, my husband & I, watching customers walk around the room. I have my fishing towels and a couple of hunting towels for sale, along with my icy cool neck ties.

And I ask my husband, "So do you see anyone here that you know?" (because he knows a lot of people in the community.)

And do you know what he says? He says he does. In this sea of 50 or so men, he points to one of the women and tells me he knows her.

It figures. You'd think he would know a lot of the men.

I think he's such a floosy, LOL!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Making bibs

You wouldn't think making bibs would be so time consuming.

But sometimes it is.
Do you see all the fun colours? Well I have to go through my stash of lovely mult-coloured fabric and make decisions. And Once I decide what the main colour is, I have to go BACK to my stash and find more colours to go with it. Thank goodness I found a colour wheel on line so I can co-ordinate it all.

It's quite fun, actually. And the final product (not just the bibs, but my aprons, too) is always a joy to look at. (It's just too bad I don't have any grandbabies around of my own to put them on, [deep sigh]).

Enjoy your evening!
~sew My Gosh!